What in the fuck is the point of a girl if she doesn't know how to fuck properly? Okay yeah that was way too harsh, but the point still stands (I guess), like, these girls, if they're yours girls either for a night or for a relationship that lasts a bit longer, then they should be good at pleasuring you, and you like most men are probably kinky as fuck so this spawns a bunch of new problems, or rather, blessings. Now whether these things would be considered a wretched curse or a God-given blessing purely depends on the girl. See, if she's good at figuring out your kinks and if she is obedient enough then it's obvious that she is obliged to give her best to accommodate to those kinks, I mean she would do it if she loved you, and she probably does. If she doesn't though, then point her to the door and get this thing over with. You deserve better. A bitch that would like to get fucked upside down while having blood poor from the slits you made on her thighs. Yeah, Asian chicks will do that, so come and check them out in here.

Kinky ~ 69 Porn Videos - Saturday, 27 July, 2024